Charting the course ahead: SQ STATES LTD roadmap

  • 2017

Q2 2017 - The beginning of the story and the birth of the company SQ STATES LTD. This year marked a breakthrough in the field of investments. SQ STATES focused on two investment directions: the stock market and real estate.

Q4 2017 - Expansion of investment directions and software development. The investment portfolio of SQ STATES LTD added the direction of investing in cryptocurrencies. The company also started developing unique software for risk management in SQ STATES LTD investments.

  • 2018

Q1 2018 - SQ STATES LTD begins investing clients' money in company stocks and other securities equivalent to company stocks, as well as in depositary receipts.

Q3 2018 - Expansion of its investment portfolio, adding bonds and other forms of securitized debt, including depositary receipts relating to securities.

  • 2019

Q2 2019 - The company starts investing in other securities that grant the right to acquire or sell such transferable securities or provide cash settlement determined by transferable securities, currencies, interest rates, or yields, commodities, or other indices or agreements.

Q4 2019 - Foreign investors outside the UK first appear in the company.

  • 2020

Q1 2020 - The beginning of investing in money market instruments such as treasury bills and commercial papers, excluding payment instruments.

Q2 2020 - The company starts investing in units and shares in collective investment schemes, as well as in venture capital enterprises and closed-end investment schemes.

Q3 2020 - SQ STATES LTD starts investing in options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements, and any other derivative contracts related to securities, currencies, interest rates, incomes, emission allowances, or other derivative instruments, financial indices, or financial agreements.

Q4 2020 - The company also starts using derivative instruments for credit risk transfer and financial contracts for differences.

  • 2021

Q1 2021 - Software update to improve risk management accuracy. The update increased accuracy by 4.7%.

Q2 2021 - First investments in precious stones and metals. A new direction in the company for investing clients' capital for greater profit.

Q3 2021 - Adding investment tools for managing cryptocurrency assets.

Q4 2021 - Launch of a cryptocurrency-based crowdfunding service.

  • 2022

Q2 2022 - Start of the development of a new website engine with new features and additional security with a two-factor verification system. Increased functionality and capabilities for the convenience of our clients.

Q3 2022 - The company explores and prepares in two new investment directions. Trendy industries that help the world and solve a huge number of issues are blockchain startups and AI startups.

Q4 2022 - Registration of a new international domain for the company

  • 2023

Q1 2023 - Preparing the company for entry into the international market. At this stage, our company already has more than 3000 foreign investors and more than 12000 investors in total. Therefore, we have decided to expand our activities beyond the UK.

Q3 2023 - Adding a new portfolio for investment.

Q4 2023 - Re-registration of SQ STATES LTD according to international standards, licenses, and the right to conduct investment activities outside of England. Creating a statutory capital of almost £800 million for the security and reliability of our investors. Also, updating the software to the next version.

  • 2024

Q1 2024 - Rebranding the company due to entry into the global market. Launch of a new website on an improved engine, with increased security and expanded capabilities for investors. Changing the corporate colors of the company, its style, and philosophy. All investor data, accounts, funds, and personal information have been successfully transferred to the new website

Q3 2024 - Launch of the long-awaited green energy direction.

Q3 2024 - Relocation of our headquarters to Hong Kong, one of the world's leading financial centers.

Q4 2024 - Development of a mobile application for convenient access to the online banking system for iOS and Android users.

  • 2025

Q2 2025 - Integration of the online banking system with payment systems and partners.

Q3 2025 - Synchronization of client personal accounts with VISA and MasterCard payment systems for automatic replenishment and withdrawal of funds.

Q4 2025 - Launch of the SQ STATES coin based on its own blockchain protocol. Listing on global cryptocurrency exchanges: Binance, OKX, ByBit, and KuCoin.

  • 2026

Q1 2026 - Launch of a mobile application for accessing the online banking system and investing in cryptocurrencies.

Q1 2026 - Integration of the online system with cryptocurrency exchanges so that users can quickly and easily trade cryptocurrencies.

Q2 2026 - Update of our unique software.

  • 2027

Q1 2027 - SQ-STATES LTD plans to start the development of its own solar panels, which will be available to everyone.

Q2 2027 - Launch of the construction of a cottage town and office buildings in the UAE.

Q2 2027 - Plan to create its own cryptocurrency exchange SQS.

  • 2028

Q1 2028 - The IT department of the company begins developing an engine for the SQS cryptocurrency exchange.
